How to make the perfect cup of English Tea?

We have received a question from Hans Muller from Dusseldorf in Germany who will be visiting the UK for Christmas 2019, he is asking how to make the perfect cup of English Tea?

Do I use a pot or a mug?

This is all down to personal preference, but many of us Tea drinkers want a second cup. But just remember the golden rule! The second cup is never as good as the first cup.

There are different techniques to using a pot or a mug…

Using a Pot…

Its always best to pre-heat the pot using hot water, give it a swill around before digarding the water.

Then either add your tea leaves or tea bags to the pot and add your boiling hot water. Give it a stir and leave it for 4-5 minutes to stew.

When using a tea pot, we’d recommend adding a drop of milk to your cup or mug first, then pour.

If you have put enough tea in the pot, you can top of the pot up with some of the remaining hot water for that second cup.

Using a Mug…

No pre-heating required for a straight to mug tea, but never put the milk in first. The milk molecules stick to the bag and can effect the taste.

Drop the tea bag in the cup and add the boiling water, give it a stir and leave for a good 2-3 minutes before adding milk.

Some people prefer adding a slice of lemon instead of milk, this is all down to personal preference.

Should I use a China Teapot or a Stainless Steel Pot?

This is down to personal preference, if using tea leaves i would personally use a stainless steel pot and get a caddy to keep the tea warm as it can go cold quickly.

Many people prefer to use a china pot and it will keep the tea warm for longer. People also prefer the taste of the tea from a china teapot.

Should I pre-heat the teapot?

It is recommended that you swill the tea pot with hot water before you add the tea leaves or the tea bag.

Doesn’t really add to taste, but does take the chill off a cold teapot, therefore keeping that brew warm for longer.

Should I use Tea Leaves or Tea Bags?

Again, this is down to your personal preferences. May people say that tea leaves has the better and stronger taste, whilst Tea bags add to the plastic waste issues that we are currently having.

Tea bags can be easier to use than tea leaves and you can have a brew without having to strain the leaves out, although many people leave these in the cup.

How many teaspoons of tea leaves will I need?

This is down to personal taste, but it is recommended that you use 1 teaspoon of tea leaves per person. Stronger teas require less.

Can you recommend any particular tea?

During taste tests conducted in our offices, the following tea bags and tea leaves came out top:

1. Yorkshire Tea Leaves/Bags
2. Marks and Spencers own brand gold label
3. Tetley Tea Bags

Other recomended reads…

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Post Details - How to make the perfect cup of English Tea?

Post Published: November 25, 2019
Post Last Updated: December 20, 2019

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