What is Self Isolation?

What is Self Isolation

Obviously with the recent pandemic of Coronavirus (Covid-19), the website has been bombarded with questions with regards to syptoms, isolation and social distancing. We answer as many questions as possible on Self Isolation and Social Distancing.

What is Self Isolation?

Self Isolation is effectively cutting yourself out from the outside world.

It is recommended that is one person in a household starts with flu like symptoms which means a temperature of 38.8 or more or even a persistent cough, then everyone living at home must stay at home for at least 14 days.

This means that you should not go out even to buy groceries, exercise or any other regular jobs.

What is social distancing?

For those who have not got any sypmtoms, it is advisable to social distance yourself from others.

This means avoiding contact with other people and spending less time in public areas such as cafes, supermarkets and pubs.

The government effectively wants people to work from home, avoid unnescessary trips, avoid places like the cinema, pubs, clubs and theatres and keep away from people who have the syptoms of Coronavirus.

What are the syptoms of Coronavirus?

The three main syptoms you need to look out for in Coronavirus are as follows:

– Fever and Tiredness
– Continuous Cough
– Breathing Difficulties

Those who have these symptoms should stay in a well-ventilated room with a window than can be opened and keep other people in the home away.

People are advised not to ring NHS111 or their GP unless the syptoms worsen.

Covid-19 can cause breathing problems, fever and coughs. It can take up to 5 days for people to show the symptoms with some not actually showing any signs at all.

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Post Details - What is Self Isolation?

Post Published: March 18, 2020
Post Last Updated: October 8, 2020

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